If you work in Hospitality then you are aware of the long working hours, work overload, and stress, but how is work affecting your private life and how is your private life affecting your work, how stress arises, and how that affects your performance?
This article will base its information on some studies made on work-family conflict.
First, let’s see what stress is, at work stress is defined as the physiological and psychological reactions to certain events, when they are perceived as threatening (Riggio, 2014, p. 249)
A study on stress in the Hospitality Industry established that the most significant aspect that produces a stressful effect on employees were organizational structure and policy; revealing that reactions against triggering events were decreasing performance and overall efficiency (Neill and Davis 2011),.
Performance is seen as the power of impacting something, the ability to carry out a task, and its duration and can be defined as an indicator of how close outcomes are, reporting to the expected outcomes. The performance of an employee is important as the overall performance of the company is determined by the individual’s performance.
How those are connected may be a valid question, events such as daily variations of the workload are forcing individuals to spend more time in the workplace than normal, affecting life satisfaction by causing work-family conflict that in turn will cause family-work conflict, reducing their performance by increasing the gap between the employee expected and the realized outcomes.
Studies show that such a cycle of stressful events can be broken by supportive supervisors as may attenuate the employee’s negative perception of workload.